Hi, my name is Dr. Troy Giles. I’m a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Natural Internist and today I wanted  to do a followup regarding Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. I’ve had several people tell me that my treatment for Mal de Debarquement is not actually for Mal de Debarquement and I would agree somewhat. What I mentioned in previous video is that by vibrating the back of the head, trying to reestablish the autolysis or the crystals that coat the hair-like structures within the inner ear have possibly fallen off. I find that many people on cruises have all kinds of activities that have a tendency to knock off the autolysis. So that can be anywhere from playing in the ocean to riding a zip line to whatever. So that is one concept and one part of the treatment that I apply with Mal de Debarquement. So what that looks like is this. I take the ProAdjuster which is a unit that I use for adjusting here in my practice. I have the patient lay off the table. So Molly come over this way just a little bit. So with her head in this position. I vibrate the back of her head with a small vibration. You can kind of see my finger jumping there. So I put it on the back of the head and I just move it to a full range of motion. As we’re vibrating, we’re moving her head in all directions. So I’m going to come over on this other side here now and I come over to the far right. Now that’s for the left side, or for the right side and I do the same thing on the left side. As we’re vibrating, that’s moving those hair-like crystals, the auto, auto means ear, hearing. Lif means rock. So the small rock crystals are vibrated back on to the hair-like structures that help you give your equilibrium. So that’s one part that I do.

Secondly, as a chiropractor, I’ll adjust the neck, making sure that all the information is passing up and down through the neck the way that it should. That’s the second thing. The third thing is generally speaking, with Mal de Debarquement you’re looking, you’re constantly looking at the horizon. So during this process of being on the ship for a week or ten days or two weeks, you’re mind is constantly looking for the horizon. What this does is it fatigues the endocrine system, specifically the adrenal glands, the thyroid, and the hypothalamus. So the hypothalamus is the master part of your brain that controls the rest of the hormones, the rest of the organs that create the hormone. So if you go into a cruise already fatigued, already low in adrenal function, already low hypothalamic function, then you go on and for that whole week you’re trying to get your bearings. It blows out the autonomic system and now you literally have burnout through that whole process. So the other thing that we look at is working on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal access. This is an alignment that has to be in position for your endocrine system to work appropriately. So we give nutrients. We give Adrenix, we’ll give hypothalamus, Hypo-Thala or pituitary. I have another one called Fem-Pro, which is a maca supplement that will help that as well. So you can call the office and we can give you some consultation about the Mal de Debarquement, what we can do endocrine wise. Possibly you could see your chiropractor for a neck adjustment. What I’m also going to do, I’m going to put you on the spot and I want you to do the process that you know. Would you be able to do that? Sit back up for me.

This is another procedure. Do you remember the name of the procedure? They can look it up on the internet. That’s okay. She’s going to demonstrate this really neat process of another way to get rid of dizziness. It helps with Mal de Debarquement as well. Okay, go ahead and speak and explain what you are doing.

You start here and then you go all the way down to here. So you’re head’s on the floor and you stay there until the spinning stops. Then you throw your head back and you stay there until the spinning stops. Then you go back down, turn to your right. Wait for the spinning to stop. Go up and wait for the spinning to stop.

So the second time up, is that a slow motion up or fast motion?

No, you just go up.


Then you go back down, go to center, do the same thing. Go down, go to left, go back up, and back down. Then each time just waiting for it, the spinning, to stop. There is a video of this whole thing also online.

Online, so you can look on YouTube as well. I don’t know what to tell you the name of it is, but you could look for stopping dizziness. One of the ladies, one of the doctors there explains it as well, but Molly watched that. We’ve been doing that with our patients and Molly shows them how to do that and it’s been working very well for a lot of people. So this is in addition to the previous Mal de Debarquement. I hope this helps you. I hope that this helps understand that there are many concepts, many types of things you need to do for Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. Until next time, have a great day.

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